
It’s about needs, not wants. Change my mind.

I went self employed after getting injured in a car accident in August 2020. I drove/oversaw a cannabis delivery company, so lack of being able to drive made me unable to do about 75% of the job. One of the biggest transitions has been about moving away from all the things we’re TOLD we need to just the things we ACTUALLY need. Shelter, Food, Clothing, Health, etc as opposed to Newest Technology, Disney Vacations, Luxury Cars, whatever shit the corps are pushing… Now I’m not talking about the people that are getting worked to death and abused at exploitative min wage jobs. But when people on this sub are “boss offered me 3% so I got 60k more elsewhere and I’m getting 150k. It’s about knowing your worth” seriously? None of the above things are bad, great for you, but c’mon. “My life is soooooooo much better, I can afford…

I went self employed after getting injured in a car accident in August 2020. I drove/oversaw a cannabis delivery company, so lack of being able to drive made me unable to do about 75% of the job.

One of the biggest transitions has been about moving away from all the things we’re TOLD we need to just the things we ACTUALLY need. Shelter, Food, Clothing, Health, etc as opposed to Newest Technology, Disney Vacations, Luxury Cars, whatever shit the corps are pushing…

Now I’m not talking about the people that are getting worked to death and abused at exploitative min wage jobs. But when people on this sub are “boss offered me 3% so I got 60k more elsewhere and I’m getting 150k. It’s about knowing your worth” seriously?

None of the above things are bad, great for you, but c’mon. “My life is soooooooo much better, I can afford EVERYTHING I ever wanted now thanks to telling my employer to suck my dick.” Fuck outta here with that. 99% of us on here are trapped in a grind trying to make ends meet, we can’t just “worth” ourselves and extra 50k. This isn’t an “I did it, you can too!” scenario, this is a fantasy for the overwhelming majority. And you’re just as bad as the fuckers telling us to buy a Tesla because gas is high.

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