
How’s your work environment like?

I’m asking out of curiosity since restrictions have been lifted now in Ontario. For those that work in the office, are you fully back in the office now or are you doing a hybrid work environment? Or are you lucky to have the option to be working remotely? I unfortunately am back in the office as hybrid but the company is expecting us to be back full-time eventually. I’m personally against it for many reasons but especially that we’re even more productive at home anyway so what’s the point. However, I can’t really justify my choice to HR since I’m still new to the company.

I’m asking out of curiosity since restrictions have been lifted now in Ontario. For those that work in the office, are you fully back in the office now or are you doing a hybrid work environment? Or are you lucky to have the option to be working remotely?

I unfortunately am back in the office as hybrid but the company is expecting us to be back full-time eventually. I’m personally against it for many reasons but especially that we’re even more productive at home anyway so what’s the point. However, I can’t really justify my choice to HR since I’m still new to the company.

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