
my own perspective.

Just a short rant. But i feel the need. So kicking off, I don't agree with everything in the antiwork sub. I'm a libertarian; I see people bashing one side or the other in politics when neither party is actually in control anymore. I agree that capitalism is flaud, and socialism is no better. Both systems will lead to a societal crash in one way or another; if suddenly every person had the same wage for every job, then there would be no reason for people to seek out harder work. Yes, a lot of employers are acting shitty. So, unless you have a situation, like me having a background that further complicates employment and wage discrimination, then people should advocate for themselves during their interview. A lot of times, in less labor-intensive work, you should be your own “union.” Should wages increase with inflation? Yes. Should people who are…

Just a short rant. But i feel the need.

So kicking off, I don't agree with everything in the antiwork sub. I'm a libertarian; I see people bashing one side or the other in politics when neither party is actually in control anymore.
I agree that capitalism is flaud, and socialism is no better. Both systems will lead to a societal crash in one way or another; if suddenly every person had the same wage for every job, then there would be no reason for people to seek out harder work.
Yes, a lot of employers are acting shitty. So, unless you have a situation, like me having a background that further complicates employment and wage discrimination, then people should advocate for themselves during their interview. A lot of times, in less labor-intensive work, you should be your own “union.”
Should wages increase with inflation? Yes. Should people who are struggling to get by on their wages be paid more, sometimes yes, sometimes they need to step up and look for different work.
Minimum wage isn't supposed to be a living wage; it's supposed to be a baseline to separate employment from literal capital slavery. If you need a better wage negotiate or walk. If you have physical limitations, then push for disability if you can and find work that can accommodate you.
I do agree that more employers should push for better work-life balance and should treat employees with needed amenities and breaks; a healthy, happy worker works harder and more efficiently.
But i see a lot of people bashing all rich, not just the oligarchs, but every single person who lives in large homes or has multiple properties, making the assumption that they were born to that money and don't deserve it. Some people maybe, but not all of them. Some people rent out properties, yes, in my hometown it's terrible what the prices look like, but I've seen some places with reasonable prices with multihome landlords who charge for upkeep and maintenance and not just 80% profit.
My point is, there's a lot of shit in our world, but there's still a lot of good people too. It's literally our job to take care of what's left and fix the shit that's broken. ESPECIALLY since you can't expect a politician to do it for you.
Heck, create a union to Audit the IRS. See how much tax fraud they commit to hide their extra income they get from Oligarchs.
Mass Create an organization for cleaning up political messes and corporate thugs.
There's more we can all do than just complain.

NOW, I'd drop 2 cents here, but I'm $3000 in credit debt because of prolonged job hunting and being ineligible for unemployment.

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