
$3.50/hr for 14 hrs of a 24 hr shift

24 hr shifts, rural EMS. Employer informed us that we are paid $26 CAD/hr for 18 hrs of the shift, with a rate of $14/hr for the remaining 6 hrs, as we typically sleep during that time (but can still get a call.) Seemed reasonable enough to me. Well, after spending an hour breaking down our very complicated paystubs, I found that they are paying us $3.50/hr for 14 hours of our 24 hr shift, with 10 hrs regular rate. Deductions are absolutely unreasonable too. Funny enough, the 12 hr shifts only pay $3 less than the 24 hr shifts. But few stations offer 12hr shifts. Contacted HR, confirmed that this is correct, and promptly found a better, lower stress job in the mountains with a 35% wage increase. Screw em.

24 hr shifts, rural EMS. Employer informed us that we are paid $26 CAD/hr for 18 hrs of the shift, with a rate of $14/hr for the remaining 6 hrs, as we typically sleep during that time (but can still get a call.) Seemed reasonable enough to me.

Well, after spending an hour breaking down our very complicated paystubs, I found that they are paying us $3.50/hr for 14 hours of our 24 hr shift, with 10 hrs regular rate.
Deductions are absolutely unreasonable too.

Funny enough, the 12 hr shifts only pay $3 less than the 24 hr shifts. But few stations offer 12hr shifts.

Contacted HR, confirmed that this is correct, and promptly found a better, lower stress job in the mountains with a 35% wage increase.

Screw em.

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