
Being blamed for something I didn’t do

I work directly with a family taking care of an adult male with disabilities. Long story short, a medication he takes went mysteriously missing (an SSRI) and I got a text around ten pm Sunday asking where it was. I told her where it was (I know for sure) and figured she probably moved it somewhere and would find it. It apparently never turned up and I'm being blamed for it going missing. Said woman is known for losing things and won't admit it's possible she's to blame for this. She sent me a very rude and unprofessional text around 11 pm that night after not finding it, freaking out about it being gone. I went back to work after my two days off this evening, and she's now put all of his medicine away and hidden it from me. I eventually had to awkwardly ask her to give it…

I work directly with a family taking care of an adult male with disabilities. Long story short, a medication he takes went mysteriously missing (an SSRI) and I got a text around ten pm Sunday asking where it was. I told her where it was (I know for sure) and figured she probably moved it somewhere and would find it. It apparently never turned up and I'm being blamed for it going missing. Said woman is known for losing things and won't admit it's possible she's to blame for this. She sent me a very rude and unprofessional text around 11 pm that night after not finding it, freaking out about it being gone. I went back to work after my two days off this evening, and she's now put all of his medicine away and hidden it from me. I eventually had to awkwardly ask her to give it to him after it was well past time for him to get his evening meds. She grabbed them out of a cabinet and gave them to him. I guess this is going to be how things operate at work from now on and it's super uncomfortable. Basically she's passive aggressively punishing me for something I didn't do. She didn't even verbally inform me that she would be doing meds now. She just moved them and I realized they were missing when it was time for him to have them. This probably sounds really insignificant but it's just one thing on a massive list of others I don't feel like writing out. I need to find a new job.

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