
Job Interview Somehow Rejected me for “caring more about the money than the company.”

Just found out I did not get a job so I reached out to get more info as to why. The position was for 50-70K salary with a weighted bonus system. Basically, you had to make 3x more than your getting paid, then you get 15% of rollover profit; plus there was a rolling on-call. Never having a salary myself, I was very confused about this odd system, but also excited to make 10-20k more than I am now. Basically I found out a bunch of info in Round 1, and didn't immediately have questions. In Round 2 I preformed the pony dance quickly, and had lots of time left over for questions. Naturally I asked many, mostly about how the pay works. They made it clear my ability to automate tasks with was very valuable, so one such was “If I write a script and track the time saved…

Just found out I did not get a job so I reached out to get more info as to why. The position was for 50-70K salary with a weighted bonus system. Basically, you had to make 3x more than your getting paid, then you get 15% of rollover profit; plus there was a rolling on-call. Never having a salary myself, I was very confused about this odd system, but also excited to make 10-20k more than I am now.

Basically I found out a bunch of info in Round 1, and didn't immediately have questions. In Round 2 I preformed the pony dance quickly, and had lots of time left over for questions. Naturally I asked many, mostly about how the pay works. They made it clear my ability to automate tasks with was very valuable, so one such was “If I write a script and track the time saved with the script, do I get that factored into my “bill-ability.” Or “If I reach my 3x goal at noon can I just shut my computer down and be done?” Among other fair questions such as this, I just wanted to be sure I was not being exploited more than what it appeared. Turns out most where baffling questions because I kept hearing “I don't know, I don't think so.”

In the end, they told me I didn't get the job. Not because I wasn't qualified or a good fit. I can fit in anywhere and I know I'm a Rockstar at my job, plus the first round seemed like they wanted to hire me on the spot. I love my job, and gave them 0 indication otherwise. The majority, and I feel like this is true with literally anyone, is that it pays for my bills and insurance. If I didn't need money I'd do sobering much more fulfilling than the daily grind.

What do you think? Did I dodged a bullet for an IT sweatshop? Or am I the asshole for asking questions?

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