
How do you get over the internalized guilt of quitting?

Finally put in my 2.5 weeks yesterday which was looong overdue. I’ve been at my job for almost 2.5 years (minus the month I was laid off at the start of covid ). Some background: I’ve never gotten benefits, pto, insurance, etc. and have always felt like I’ve been underpaid. I get paid hourly and have gotten a total of $3/hr raise since I’ve been here. There’s also been times where I’ve been very much overworked and felt extremely burnt out, with no pto making it really hard to take a break for myself. I slowly started job hunting a few months after starting but with my mental health not being in the best place it’s been very challenging to work and job hunt full time. Over the past year I’ve always started up an Etsy shop while wfh which has started becoming pretty successful. All of those factors finally…

Finally put in my 2.5 weeks yesterday which was looong overdue. I’ve been at my job for almost 2.5 years (minus the month I was laid off at the start of covid ). Some background: I’ve never gotten benefits, pto, insurance, etc. and have always felt like I’ve been underpaid. I get paid hourly and have gotten a total of $3/hr raise since I’ve been here. There’s also been times where I’ve been very much overworked and felt extremely burnt out, with no pto making it really hard to take a break for myself. I slowly started job hunting a few months after starting but with my mental health not being in the best place it’s been very challenging to work and job hunt full time. Over the past year I’ve always started up an Etsy shop while wfh which has started becoming pretty successful.

All of those factors finally lead me to deciding it was time. I gave my notice yesterday after a long day of nerves and expectedly they’re now trying to do anything to get me to stay (except of course give me any sort of benefits 🥲). My boss told me how talented I was, how I was a part of their long term plans (which I haven’t heard until now), and how he’d love to try to adjust my salary to account for insurance and pto (which I guess I would still have to figure out?). I stood my ground though and told him my last day. My other boss emailed me this morning with a similar sentiment saying how they all really really don’t want to lose me and I would always be welcome back.

SO In my mind they realize they fucked up by not paying me my worth and are trying to scramble now. But there’s a small part of me that feels bad since everyone I’ve worked with has truly been so kind, helpful, and encouraging. I know in the back of my head it’s a business but how can I get over feeling like I fucked over this semi-family I’ve had for the last 2.5 years?

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