
AITA For wanting to find a place of work that will let me play a bit with work hours?

To explain further; I have worked three different jobs, and in all three jobs i was constantly harried for arriving late… pretty much every day, but by anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes. I lost the latter two jobs because of this. The first job was in a convenience store, 5 years. The second was on a foodstuff production line. 6 years. The third was on another production line, for lockers. 8 Months. It's a bad habit i can't seem to shake; whenever i have to be somewhere or have something to do, my ADHD will kick in and i'll try to get one more thing done at home before i go. I've never been able to shake it off for more than a few days. I've asked my bosses to compromise, that i would give them extra time in the evening or be available for offdays. While at work,…

To explain further;

I have worked three different jobs, and in all three jobs i was constantly harried for arriving late… pretty much every day, but by anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes. I lost the latter two jobs because of this.

The first job was in a convenience store, 5 years.

The second was on a foodstuff production line. 6 years.

The third was on another production line, for lockers. 8 Months.

It's a bad habit i can't seem to shake; whenever i have to be somewhere or have something to do, my ADHD will kick in and i'll try to get one more thing done at home before i go. I've never been able to shake it off for more than a few days.

I've asked my bosses to compromise, that i would give them extra time in the evening or be available for offdays. While at work, i'm a hard worker, i get the job done and i do it well, my bosses tell me so themselves. None of that matters though. “Everyone must follow the same rules.”

Hell in the last job, people were paid by slices of 15 minutes when punching in. I never waited until 7:15 to start working even if i came in late.

I do understand the impact it has on other employees, and i can say with certainty that my coworkers understood me and adapted to me, because they knew i'd be working far harder to make it up to them.

Am i the one being unreasonable for wanting a bit of peace of mind in the mornings and not feeling like my livelihood is endangered for something like this?

I have to go job hunting soon, and i wanted some external opinions.

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