
Do you know what’s really has stuck with me this morning

Last night I had to go over my schedule by 12 minutes. Now this doesn’t sound a lot because it isn’t. But when you working in a call centre you tend to go over very often I’d say at least 2 -3 times a week on average. Most of the time is 2 or 3 mins. I don’t see this time back nor am I payed for it because they pay in 15 min increments for “time back” meaning if I go over by 15 mins I get the time back in some form. Anything under you gets nothing. The real thing that pissed me off is I was slightly over by start time because the work computer is slow as fuck and takes 10 mins to set up ( yet another 10 mins I have to be at work early to not be paid) They have no problem with…

Last night I had to go over my schedule by 12 minutes. Now this doesn’t sound a lot because it isn’t. But when you working in a call centre you tend to go over very often I’d say at least 2 -3 times a week on average. Most of the time is 2 or 3 mins.

I don’t see this time back nor am I payed for it because they pay in 15 min increments for “time back” meaning if I go over by 15 mins I get the time back in some form. Anything under you gets nothing.

The real thing that pissed me off is I was slightly over by start time because the work computer is slow as fuck and takes 10 mins to set up ( yet another 10 mins I have to be at work early to not be paid)

They have no problem with be giving them all this extra time but they are quick as fuck to take 2 mins of my pay for being late. I get it I shouldn’t of been late that’s on be but at least take in to consideration I worked late for you for free yesterday

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