
You are all idiots

My PhD nuclear physics father and masters educationother worked 3 jobs while we ate hot dogs and had 1 less bedroom than our house needed in the 60s and 70s. That's TWO decades it took to get ahead. Just a heads up, socialism has never worked, they COLLAPSE. Keep your head down in your cubicle and keep LEARNING. There's a reason why you get 'dead eyes' from the successful ones in your life. Reasons n stuff

My PhD nuclear physics father and masters educationother worked 3 jobs while we ate hot dogs and had 1 less bedroom than our house needed in the 60s and 70s. That's TWO decades it took to get ahead.

Just a heads up, socialism has never worked, they COLLAPSE. Keep your head down in your cubicle and keep LEARNING. There's a reason why you get 'dead eyes' from the successful ones in your life. Reasons n stuff

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