
I need advice im going crazy

I need advice on how to deal with a colleague. This colleague who i work with, we both share one office phone. I relieve him and he relieves me. We both work 12 hour shifts, we work within a 24/7 environment. What happen was…while he was on shift, he turned the volume on the ringer all the way down so when a person calls our office, the phone would be silent and it cant be heard when the phone rings. Mind you, we work within a corporate environment and any emergency call can come in at any time. Another colleague called our office multiple times trying to get a hold of me while i was on shift, then called my cell thinking she was being ignored. Something like this can put my job in jeapordy because if a high-profile customer calls our office while the phone is silent, i could…

I need advice on how to deal with a colleague. This colleague who i work with, we both share one office phone. I relieve him and he relieves me. We both work 12 hour shifts, we work within a 24/7 environment. What happen was…while he was on shift, he turned the volume on the ringer all the way down so when a person calls our office, the phone would be silent and it cant be heard when the phone rings. Mind you, we work within a corporate environment and any emergency call can come in at any time. Another colleague called our office multiple times trying to get a hold of me while i was on shift, then called my cell thinking she was being ignored. Something like this can put my job in jeapordy because if a high-profile customer calls our office while the phone is silent, i could get in trouble for not abswering. If one of the senior managers call and i dont answer because the phone was silent, i could be in trouble as well. This isnt the first time this has happened. I addressed this to colleage and asked to please put volume on ringer back on before his shift ends and i explain the serious consequences that nan happen to me if he doesnt. His response was “ok no problem”. Should i report him to supervisor or manager? Im extremely heated. Why would someone blatantly turn the ringer of an office phone off?

Ive reported him in the past for relieving me more than 30 minutes late on multiple occasions and not giving me a courtesy call or sending a nessage indicating he'll be late. He said im wrongfully accusing him and thinks i have something personal against him.

Am i tripping for no reason? How should i handle something like this?

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