
Most of Antiwork comes from having terrible and horrible managers. What’s the worst manager you have had?

I'll go first, mine has to be a sales manager they brought in from UK, Alex. This was my first job in a corporate sales job and I was quite young at the time (19/20). He had a hard stance on punctuality and sales numbers, so much so that he would time you going to the bathroom and would get a talking to if you were taking too long or was 5 mins late for morning catchup. A new girl who started had some stomach problems and had to go bathroom a few times, he shamed her making a big scene everytime she needed to go, she quit the next day. Being a sales company, you were on the phone a lot. When you do client calls, you need time to write up follow up/conversations on a CRM so you can keep track of your clients. Usually this takes about…

I'll go first, mine has to be a sales manager they brought in from UK, Alex. This was my first job in a corporate sales job and I was quite young at the time (19/20). He had a hard stance on punctuality and sales numbers, so much so that he would time you going to the bathroom and would get a talking to if you were taking too long or was 5 mins late for morning catchup. A new girl who started had some stomach problems and had to go bathroom a few times, he shamed her making a big scene everytime she needed to go, she quit the next day.

Being a sales company, you were on the phone a lot. When you do client calls, you need time to write up follow up/conversations on a CRM so you can keep track of your clients. Usually this takes about 10 mins after a call, Alex wants it done in 5, then back on the phone. Nobody was able to achieve this and just ended by being counter productive as the notes now lack quality for future follow up calls. As this method fails, he held a large sales meeting claiming the whole team was slacking off and that they are increasing the sales calls per day numbers by double. It went from 50 calls to 100 calls a day to corporate business/clients. It was hell as we were getting the punishment for his mistakes and low sales numbers.

Being on the phone also meant we had to be well spoken, Alex had a thing for picking on new people and basically forcing them to quit out of shame. An Indian/Pakistani guy joined, really nice guy who had a bit of a thick accent but was perfectly understandable. He would sometimes pronounce words differently and this was a huge deal breaker for Alex. I was part of team who trained the new guys and Alex who constantly berate him for speaking differently, saying things like why can't you say words properly or stop talking like that.

Alex decided the best way to get sales numbers was to shame and humiliate those who wasn't performing. This included wearing a big sambero hat if you had a dud day, to horrible as taking away your chair because you weren't “trying hard enough”. People who performed were treated nice until they had a back day/week, then they become his enemies.

The final straw for me was my ex girlfriend mother at the time was going through cancer, and on her last stages. To support my ex, and be there for her, I took two weeks off (which I had in annual leave) . During the first week, Alex called me and asked me to come in because the team wasn't hitting numbers. I told him my ex needs me right now and it's a difficult time, he said I should focus on my career and not waste time chasing after girls. I ignored this and just went back to helping out my ex and her family through this crisis.

He called me on Monday, second week, demanding to know why I needed to be off work this long. I explained again my exs mother is going through late stages of cancer and she's on her death bed. He litreally said “you've been with them for a week, just let her die and put her out of her misery, you should be back at work, focusing on your career.” This hit me like an atom bomb and I hung up the phone on him. I resigned. He called me a few weeks later and apologised, and asked if would come back. I never stepped foot back into that office ever again, later if found out through mutuals he was fired due to too many complaints about him. Fuck Alex.

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