
Anyone else have to resort to creating a second, fake, Facebook account for work?

I don’t add coworkers, and especially bosses, on my personal social media. That’s what my LinkedIn is for. I am very strict about this as it has burned me in the past. I also like having a very clear line between work and personal life. These days employers and colleagues try to blur that line with social media and I want no part of that. Well, my boss asked me if I would like to be an admin for our professional FB page. I really don’t want to. But I already am not participating in enough as it is. I am not planning on going to our event at a local festival next month (which is on a Saturday. I already have plans with my husband. And, again. It’s a Saturday. I don’t work Saturdays. Mon-Fri is enough damn days of work.) I choose to spend my lunches alone while…

I don’t add coworkers, and especially bosses, on my personal social media. That’s what my LinkedIn is for. I am very strict about this as it has burned me in the past. I also like having a very clear line between work and personal life. These days employers and colleagues try to blur that line with social media and I want no part of that.

Well, my boss asked me if I would like to be an admin for our professional FB page. I really don’t want to. But I already am not participating in enough as it is. I am not planning on going to our event at a local festival next month (which is on a Saturday. I already have plans with my husband. And, again. It’s a Saturday. I don’t work Saturdays. Mon-Fri is enough damn days of work.) I choose to spend my lunches alone while everyone else has them together. I make it a point to not get very involved in random office chit chat. I especially stay out of gossip. I keep mostly to myself. I have a job to do. I am VERY busy and I don’t have time to brush up on my social skills. Nor do I need to. Being a big time introvert, I am very selective and have friends already. I like my coworkers and boss. But I am not in the market to get all cozy with them.

I am afraid that too much of this unsociability is going to give them just cause someday to boot me out. It has happened before. I have been let go for “not being a team player” or “not fitting in the culture” for simply just minding my own business, doing my job, and going home. I might be paranoid now. But even though I work hard, I am punctual, dependable, etc. I am afraid my lack of desire to socialize with everyone is going to end up looking really bad. So…I said yes to being an admin. Well, my boss said in order for me to have permissions to access the page I would need to add her on FB. Oh no.

So…I told her some BS story that my FB had been hacked recently and I hadn’t been able to get on. I had to “make another account.” So, I did. I made another fake account. One I do not plan on adding anyone I do not have to. I won’t even add pictures of myself, or a cover photo. It will be bare bones basic. So far all seems good. Has anyone else done this? Did it work okay? Any advice you would give?

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