
Fired mid conversation any advice helpful.(LONG but please, read)

A little background I do work in an “At-will” state. I got hired at a factory that works their workers 7 days a week minus some niche places like mine where I only worked 5. It’s my first time in this type of Industry and I was hired on as a 2nd shift worker. Those hours are 2-10. Now, before I got hired I told them in the interview I could not work any other shift but 2nd. I was told that it may come a time where I am forced too. I stood my ground and let them know as long as I am in my 60 day probationary period I will not work any other shift than 2nd, after that period we could discuss further. Flash forward to today I am about a month in and still on probation, I was called into the HR office with the…

A little background I do work in an “At-will” state.

I got hired at a factory that works their workers 7 days a week minus some niche places like mine where I only worked 5. It’s my first time in this type of Industry and I was hired on as a 2nd shift worker. Those hours are 2-10.

Now, before I got hired I told them in the interview I could not work any other shift but 2nd. I was told that it may come a time where I am forced too. I stood my ground and let them know as long as I am in my 60 day probationary period I will not work any other shift than 2nd, after that period we could discuss further.

Flash forward to today I am about a month in and still on probation, I was called into the HR office with the head HR manager and my supervisor and explained my job would be changing slightly to off set the employees they are trying to get down to a regular 5 day work week.

I agreed with all their demands except 1, and that was I still was not comfortable working at 6 am on weekends as I was not comfortable working that early and unsure if I was able to go about changing my habits to accommodate with me only being allowed to have 2 points in my probationary period. I was expressed that it gave my anxiety and that I did not want to put myself in a situation where I am not sure if I will be able to make it here as I live 30 minutes away and that I would be more comfortable accepting that once I’m out of my probationary period.

At this point I’m being told that I don’t have a choice when it comes to my schedule being changed and that I am not able to decline the shift change. That we are in an “At-Will”state and they can let me go for any reason.

I told them that even so I’m not declining the policy change. I’m seeing if there is anyway we can accommodate so that I don’t end up pointing myself out before I can adjust.

My HR manager was getting livid and started telling me that “So you’re telling me if you’re on 6 am scheduled shift that you’re going to be late every time”

I told her “That’s not what I’m saying but life happens and it’s not something I’m accommodated too, I’m willing to do this but I need to be able to adjust without the fear of being fired before that even happens”

She tells me that I’m being insubordinate and that I’m refusing the change

I reminded her that I have rights as an employee that I’ve never been written up or tardy since I’ve been here and that I’m willing to go to the shift but I am worried. I don’t have time to file for unemployment because I’m being “insubordinate” when I’m not being insubordinate it doesn’t make sense.I’m not saying I won’t go to the shift I’m saying that I don’t feel while I’m in a probationary period and the company limits you to 2 points before you’re terminated and even a minute late counts as a full point doesn’t sit right with me. And if we’re making changes I would like to be fully established before I’m just taking over someone else’s job.

The person who was in the position before she quit was also told she was going to second shift and she declined so it didn’t make sense why I couldn’t.

My HR Manager was furious told me to pack my things and leave for the day and I can come back once she’s talked to the general manager and the president regarding our conversation. They made me turn in my keys so as far as I’m concerned, I was let go.

Now I’m at home, wondering where I can go from here. Any suggestions on where to go from here because I felt as if she was trying to get me to admit to something that it was not and when she couldn’t get her way she let me go. There’s no cameras or recoding in these offices so I’m not sure how I could even prove my side of the story. But anything helps guys.

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