
“It sounds like you’re giving up on this job.”

Well yeah. Why the 9 hells would I stay at a job that makes me feel FAR undervalued and will leave me with permanent damage by my 30s? I never understood why some coworkers will try to guilt you into staying at a job you clearly hate. Managers make sense. Why coworkers? You and I do the same job, man. You know how much I can't stand this place. I know damn well you can't stand it either. What gives?

Well yeah. Why the 9 hells would I stay at a job that makes me feel FAR undervalued and will leave me with permanent damage by my 30s?

I never understood why some coworkers will try to guilt you into staying at a job you clearly hate. Managers make sense. Why coworkers?

You and I do the same job, man. You know how much I can't stand this place. I know damn well you can't stand it either. What gives?

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