
Salary Negotiations

I would like to hear different approaches to negotiating salaries in an interview with respect to the increase in minimum wage. For example: Minimum wage is $7.00/hr and you work in a field where you initially feel you are worth $20/hr for entry-level to intermediate positions. Over time minimum wage becomes $14/hr. What would you then feel to be appropriate to ask for? It should obviously be more to maintain a gap. I was just curious how other people go about it and if they have some method or calculation they use. You can throw in inflation and the cost of living too if you want.

I would like to hear different approaches to negotiating salaries in an interview with respect to the increase in minimum wage. For example:

Minimum wage is $7.00/hr and you work in a field where you initially feel you are worth $20/hr for entry-level to intermediate positions. Over time minimum wage becomes $14/hr. What would you then feel to be appropriate to ask for? It should obviously be more to maintain a gap. I was just curious how other people go about it and if they have some method or calculation they use. You can throw in inflation and the cost of living too if you want.

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