
I like how the narrative is that poor people are paying for things they can’t afford…

It's the top rungs. It's the companies who want to expand when they haven't created a solid base, CEOs who want to give themselves massive raises when their bottom line is starving, middle managers who want to keep a budget by laying people off and expecting the same amount of work. All that shit. They can't afford what they want. They can't afford it, but they do it anyways, and it's at massive costs to everyone else. If PCP is illegal because when you take it, it endangers those around you, then these decisive actions caused by an addiction to greed should be illegal too. If we see the analogy through then these individuals are sick, the same way as other addicts. Those decisive actions for personal gain, like selling your dog for heroin. But the top rungs are supposed to be the watchmen… so who watches the watchmen?

It's the top rungs. It's the companies who want to expand when they haven't created a solid base, CEOs who want to give themselves massive raises when their bottom line is starving, middle managers who want to keep a budget by laying people off and expecting the same amount of work. All that shit.

They can't afford what they want. They can't afford it, but they do it anyways, and it's at massive costs to everyone else.

If PCP is illegal because when you take it, it endangers those around you, then these decisive actions caused by an addiction to greed should be illegal too. If we see the analogy through then these individuals are sick, the same way as other addicts. Those decisive actions for personal gain, like selling your dog for heroin.

But the top rungs are supposed to be the watchmen… so who watches the watchmen?

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