I’ve held a full time position at my job for three years. My annual review just happened three weeks ago and I received “exceeds expectations” in all the categories we are judged on. The company also gave me “The most caring award” (means nothing- just a way to hype moral) I literally could care less but I don’t let that show at work.
Today my boss told me my position is technically being eliminated so I will be demoted from full to part time. He assured me my pay,PTO and my hours will stay full time it’s just we can’t technically have my position anymore at our store. He said the ONLY change would be I don’t receive health benefits and my position name. I expressed my concerns that now he can technically cut my hours if he had to and now I’m not guaranteed my full time hours. He tried to assure me he would never do that but our store is not doing well enough to have my position technically. He kept saying those were the only changes. I am in California. Can anyone please tell me is there anything I’m missing I may not be aware of? I know now my hours aren’t guaranteed now but are there any other benefits and job security incentives I’m losing now that I’m part time? Thanks all for any info or advice…