
So many post comments here say that certain things are illegal when employers do them. What legal options do lower/middle class people have that aren’t too expensive?

I see it a lot here in various comments, people speculating that certain things could be illegal or questionable. But at this point in our society, is there actually any legitimate entities that will go to bat for people who are lower/middle class? Lawyers are insanely expensive and I don't know who to actually turn to for the heavy hitting questions who doesn't charge $500/hr…money which I don't have.

I see it a lot here in various comments, people speculating that certain things could be illegal or questionable. But at this point in our society, is there actually any legitimate entities that will go to bat for people who are lower/middle class? Lawyers are insanely expensive and I don't know who to actually turn to for the heavy hitting questions who doesn't charge $500/hr…money which I don't have.

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