
Do not come to CVS.

If I get caught saying this I risk being fired but…As a pharmacy tech currently working here. Do not support this shithole- transfer your meds elsewhere if you can. We are underpaid, overworked (not enough techs during a shift- its a skeleton crew), sometimes under-scheduled, verbally abused from customers on the daily for hours on end….We just now recently were allotted 30 minute lunch breaks (that are even less than when putting the amount of customers at pickup into consideration.) FFS even orientation is just hours long of company propaganda stating “How great CVS is!”, how the customer is always correct, how their competitors are the big bad guy, how we aren't allowed to discuss our wages, how important their stock prices is, and how much we are doing a service to the world working close to unlivable salaries. I have worked customer service before, but never in my life…

If I get caught saying this I risk being fired but…As a pharmacy tech currently working here. Do not support this shithole- transfer your meds elsewhere if you can. We are underpaid, overworked (not enough techs during a shift- its a skeleton crew), sometimes under-scheduled, verbally abused from customers on the daily for hours on end….We just now recently were allotted 30 minute lunch breaks (that are even less than when putting the amount of customers at pickup into consideration.) FFS even orientation is just hours long of company propaganda stating “How great CVS is!”, how the customer is always correct, how their competitors are the big bad guy, how we aren't allowed to discuss our wages, how important their stock prices is, and how much we are doing a service to the world working close to unlivable salaries. I have worked customer service before, but never in my life have I encountered such a soul-sucking, grueling, depression-inducing, filled with unadulterated worker's rights violations, job in my life. DO NOT COME HERE.

Want proof? Just simply scroll through r/CVS. There you'll see a wide array of posts from pure misery from others who work here.

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