
My partner’s job have everyone an option to stay or leave, excepty fiancé. They could choose to stay or be fired.

So my fiance lives in another province, and soon we are moving them cross country. We don't have much money and the move is soon. We need every penny since it'll take about a week to move them, and there is no guarantee they will have a job once we are moved in. Onto the story. My fiance works night shift at a large Home Depot type Canadian exclusive store as night crew. Yesterday they did not go for A family emergency (an emergency that happens quite often, and the manager was told before hiring that if this were to ever come up they would not come in that night). Tonight management offered everyone a choice to stay or go home since there was not anything to do. My fiance chose to go home since everyone but one person had made up their mind that they wanted to go home.…

So my fiance lives in another province, and soon we are moving them cross country. We don't have much money and the move is soon. We need every penny since it'll take about a week to move them, and there is no guarantee they will have a job once we are moved in.

Onto the story. My fiance works night shift at a large Home Depot type Canadian exclusive store as night crew. Yesterday they did not go for A family emergency (an emergency that happens quite often, and the manager was told before hiring that if this were to ever come up they would not come in that night). Tonight management offered everyone a choice to stay or go home since there was not anything to do. My fiance chose to go home since everyone but one person had made up their mind that they wanted to go home. Management informed My fiance if they were to leave tonight, they were not welcome back to their last three shifts. Knowing full well the financial situation that we are in and claiming to be 'like family here'. That obviously severely upset my fiance, and honestly I don't blame them. Another member from the night team realized what had happened, and decided that if they wanted to go home she would take the blame (I don't quite remember if their management or not but she obviously had enough power to make said decisions). They decided that if the last person had decided to go home that they would go as well, since there really would be no point if they were the only person on the floor. I just got off the phone with them, so I'm not quite sure what's going to happen next but no matter what they are promised the last three shifts.

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