
Reporting wage theft?

Me and my partner recently started a new job, about a week ago, and are being expected to work off the clock (along with every other person on night shift) or we risk being fired. We’re required to clock out at a specific time and continue working, off the clock, until the entire store is clean and closed down. Though it doesn’t take that long, the prospect of being forced to work off the clock for any amount of time and risk being fired if we don’t is not something that’s any sort of correct. Said employer will also fire employees for sitting even for a few minutes, threatens to fire people if they call in even for a day, threatens to fire us if we “goof off” (we don’t), and just watches the store cameras the entire day. Is there any way to report this? We’ve only been here…

Me and my partner recently started a new job, about a week ago, and are being expected to work off the clock (along with every other person on night shift) or we risk being fired. We’re required to clock out at a specific time and continue working, off the clock, until the entire store is clean and closed down. Though it doesn’t take that long, the prospect of being forced to work off the clock for any amount of time and risk being fired if we don’t is not something that’s any sort of correct. Said employer will also fire employees for sitting even for a few minutes, threatens to fire people if they call in even for a day, threatens to fire us if we “goof off” (we don’t), and just watches the store cameras the entire day.

Is there any way to report this? We’ve only been here a short period of time, but it is EVERY night shift employee, every night, that has to work off the clock if we aren’t finished cleaning. There’s got to be something we can do about this and I’d like to know what it is.

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