
just got told by a recruiter that my job search is useless

So I just had an unsolicited phone call from a recruitment agency asking what I was looking for. I explained that I was doing a degree in my spare time and that I was looking to either move into a basic role in the field that my degree is in or a more senior role to the one I'm working in now. I have no interest in moving sideways for the sake of moving sideways at the age I am and while having a mortgage to think about. The agent basically told me that the job market is so full that all the senior positions would only look at people with prior experience, and there are no basic roles without this also. I can't get experience at my current company as the person above me is a lifer, and also my company is not somewhere I would want to remain…

So I just had an unsolicited phone call from a recruitment agency asking what I was looking for. I explained that I was doing a degree in my spare time and that I was looking to either move into a basic role in the field that my degree is in or a more senior role to the one I'm working in now. I have no interest in moving sideways for the sake of moving sideways at the age I am and while having a mortgage to think about.

The agent basically told me that the job market is so full that all the senior positions would only look at people with prior experience, and there are no basic roles without this also. I can't get experience at my current company as the person above me is a lifer, and also my company is not somewhere I would want to remain long term due to some questionable decisions regarding the rona over the past few years.

I just feel so stuck right now. How are people expected to get the experience to get senior positions if companies aren't willing to give them a chance? And what's the point in trying to better myself with a degree at this stage in life if the only thing that would come out of it is more debt? My partner is a supervisor and I give him advice constantly about his position and next steps so I know I could handle it. I just feel so stuck.

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