
Work screwed up my paycheck, I might lose my job because of it.

I work for an automotive company, recently found out I might not get my check this week due to a payroll error and if that’s the case I won’t have the gas or money for a bus to make it to work next week which will, in turn, make me lose my job. I have rent due in 2 weeks as well. Have already talked to my boss about it and she said she’d “look into it” but chances are it’d be back-paid once I get my check next week and was overall really dismissive about the whole thing. Not really sure what to do here.

I work for an automotive company, recently found out I might not get my check this week due to a payroll error and if that’s the case I won’t have the gas or money for a bus to make it to work next week which will, in turn, make me lose my job. I have rent due in 2 weeks as well. Have already talked to my boss about it and she said she’d “look into it” but chances are it’d be back-paid once I get my check next week and was overall really dismissive about the whole thing. Not really sure what to do here.

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