
Don’t threaten my income.

So I worked at a multibillion dollar logistics firm for 4+ years, over 13 years experience in the field between the military and private sector. 2 years in I was negotiating for a promotion after bringing in $536k profit for the company, I got a title promotion and a 5800 raise. I always talk about compensation with my coworkers because if we’re all doing the same shit then we should get around the same pay. So we’re talking and 1 guy was making 7k more than me ( nbd, he negotiated when he started). Fast forward to a few months ago I was up for another promotion where they offered me a $1900 raise for significantly more responsibility. Hard decline on that so I started deep diving on the company share drive and buried in other unrelated pages was a PowerPoint for managers and leadership for how to talk employees…

So I worked at a multibillion dollar logistics firm for 4+ years, over 13 years experience in the field between the military and private sector. 2 years in I was negotiating for a promotion after bringing in $536k profit for the company, I got a title promotion and a 5800 raise. I always talk about compensation with my coworkers because if we’re all doing the same shit then we should get around the same pay. So we’re talking and 1 guy was making 7k more than me ( nbd, he negotiated when he started).

Fast forward to a few months ago I was up for another promotion where they offered me a $1900 raise for significantly more responsibility. Hard decline on that so I started deep diving on the company share drive and buried in other unrelated pages was a PowerPoint for managers and leadership for how to talk employees out of wanting more money. So Im talking with HR and she’s reading off this PowerPoint line by line telling me that covid was tough on the company blah blah blah. I then forwarded her a company email about how they donated over 2 million to a college and that basically ended the conversation.

To add on to this pile of shit, the company pushed an email out basically saying employees had to get vaccinated or get terminated in 2 months.

That was on a Thursday, I accepted a double negotiated job offer the following Wednesday for more money and better benefits.

Moral of the story:
1. don’t threaten people income because there’s way better jobs out there that will pay to have you be a part of their team.
2. Don’t buy your company’s lame ass excuses about not having the capital to pay competitive wages, they literally practice methods to gaslight you into accepting lowball compensation.

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