
How do I schedule job interviews while currently employed? Please help!

Some background context: I am currently employed at a mind numbingly large insurance carrier in a call center style role. As such, my schedule is incredibly regimented down to the minute with very little flexibility. I have no power over my schedule and any changes need to be approved through my manager (I served four years on active duty in the army with more flexibility than I currently have). I'm talking full Orwell big brother stuff: tiny cubicles, my screens and calls are recorded all day, and I have different time codes that I need to constantly be entering in and out of throughout the day according to my schedule whether it be taking calls, breaks, lunch times e.t.c. Here's the good news: my wife and I recently found out we are expecting and are thrilled but we also know I need to find a job that makes more money…

Some background context: I am currently employed at a mind numbingly large insurance carrier in a call center style role. As such, my schedule is incredibly regimented down to the minute with very little flexibility. I have no power over my schedule and any changes need to be approved through my manager (I served four years on active duty in the army with more flexibility than I currently have). I'm talking full Orwell big brother stuff: tiny cubicles, my screens and calls are recorded all day, and I have different time codes that I need to constantly be entering in and out of throughout the day according to my schedule whether it be taking calls, breaks, lunch times e.t.c. Here's the good news: my wife and I recently found out we are expecting and are thrilled but we also know I need to find a job that makes more money and has our previously enjoyed (what a crazy way to phrase this) “COVID flexibility” in terms of WFH and so on. I've started putting in applications and have an interview scheduled for this coming Monday which is not only a scheduled day of work for me but also a day where I am scheduled to start some new training as I've been progressing to take on more responsibilities in my current role. I am very nervous about calling out of work for this interview since I have fostered a large amount of good will in my department and have a reputation of being ultra reliable and ready for the “next step”. In the interest of not burning any bridges do you guys think it would be a terrible idea to call out of work for the interview which is starting at a considerably larger salary with work from home flexibility my wife and I will desperately need at the risk of putting myself on the radar of the powers that be in my current role? Any advice would be so greatly appreciated and thank you so much for reading my first ever reddit post lol!

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