
Manager is punishing me by cutting my hours to less than 15/week.

More of a rant than anything. I just needed to get this off my chest. I've been working as a server at a large, well-known restaurant chain in the US for almost two years (not for much longer). Around holidays last year, the scheduling app we use to request time off/vacations wasn't allowing us to put in holiday request time – we had to actually tell it to our GM, who makes the schedules. I told him WEEKS in advance before the month of December that I was planning on driving up to Idaho for Christmas weekend to spend time with my family up there (I live in California). GM says sure, whatever, he'll get that time for me. Christmas rolls around – GM gives me 23-25th off….then has me down for a fucking 12 noon shift the next day. After Christmas. While I'm in snowy Idaho. Obviously I call…

More of a rant than anything. I just needed to get this off my chest.

I've been working as a server at a large, well-known restaurant chain in the US for almost two years (not for much longer). Around holidays last year, the scheduling app we use to request time off/vacations wasn't allowing us to put in holiday request time – we had to actually tell it to our GM, who makes the schedules.

I told him WEEKS in advance before the month of December that I was planning on driving up to Idaho for Christmas weekend to spend time with my family up there (I live in California). GM says sure, whatever, he'll get that time for me. Christmas rolls around – GM gives me 23-25th off….then has me down for a fucking 12 noon shift the next day. After Christmas. While I'm in snowy Idaho.
Obviously I call off & tell my GM there's no way I'd be able to make it there even if I wanted to, short of just bouncing from my family on the morning of christmas & driving 12 hours straight through snowstorms. He's annoyed, but both of our hands are tied, and I think nothing of it.

That was December/January. The workweek after that incident? My normal 5-6 days a week is reduced to just Friday/Saturday/Sunday. At first I didn't think anything of it; we were training new servers & I was able to pick up shifts here & there/doordash to supplement the cut. But come February…it's just Saturdays and Sundays. Since the beginning of February, I've worked two days a week.

What REALLY irks me is we have this “goals system” where servers who get the best reviews/royalty sign-ups/etc. get “priority scheduling” by management. In February, it was only me and one other server who met the month's goals; I still was only put on two days a week.

Which leads me to today, where my scheduling app notified me that my GM has now but me down to just 1 shift a week. One. The week of April 8th, I only work that saturday.

I don't know if he's being petty or vindictive or what, but I'm quitting at the start of my shift on Saturday & leaving them out to dry.

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