I used to work at a popular Cafe franchise in the UK called “Caffe Nero”, it was my first job so I had no idea what to expect, but even then I could tell that there was something off about my manager, he seemed nice at first, however once the queues started building up he switched instantly, he started swearing at customers, insulting the staff and being an all-round jerk, all my co-workers seemed to like him so I thought I was alone in my unease about him.
Then I had my first shift with my co-worker, let's call him “Carl”, after I said hi to Carl I commented that it was weird that me, him and another trainee (We were all trainees at the time) Were the only ones working for the day, he said “It's against company policy to do so, but Dave (that's what I'll call the manager) just doesn't care about his employees”, I was shocked, noone had spoken out against his actions before, we ended up speaking more about this and it turns out his little tantrums against customers, the milk delivery man and his own employees was not uncommon.
Then one day I come into work and my manager seems super stressed, more than usual, he said that HIS manager, the regional manager was coming to speak to him and he had to pre-emptively apologise for his harsh words against Carl, it turns out Carl put in his two weeks because he was sick of Dave's BS, but couldn't work the final day of his two weeks (For reference the company lets you give a notice as short as one day so really he was just doing him a courtesy), Dave responded by screaming at him, hurling abuse and calling him slurs, and that is what Dave himself told me so I assume the reality of the situation was much worse than he was portraying.
Anyway so the regional manager comes and it turns out she didn't know about the incident (He ratted himself out lol) but in fact wanted to tell him that his store was BEING SUED, a woman claimed that a chair leg was broken and her son fell and hit his head on the pavement outside and after asking for help he just ignored them, I would have felt bad for my manager, but the guy is a jerk and he deserved it, I am glad Karma gave him exactly what he deserved.
In the end the manager did NOT change his ways and was incredibly rude once I gave in my two weeks, he was constantly grumbling, saying I was “abandoning the team”, I ended up leaving and joining a systems development team, I am glad to say that my current manager and team are amazing, they are super chill and a pleasure to work with.