
Companies Can’t be pro-climate change reform/”go-green”, and want to go back into the office

Apologies if mixing two bags here. The company I recently left was all about “GREEN GREEN GREEN”, it was all bullshit just to appease to the younger crowd and to a company over the pond they merged with. stupid ass memo's they shared how to “Go Green”… meanwhile I left because they forced everyone back into the office this month. Half their employees work downtown the major metropolis i'm near, the other half works just outside. I went out to a store this week around 4p, somewhere i needed to drive on the highway towards the city. HOLY SHIT the amount of vehicles that were out was ridiculous, BOTH WAYS. Even on the back streets everything was busy busy busy. I immediately thought to myself “yep this is why they want us back, drive more, waste gas, kill the environment”. Towards the beginning of the merger in a few company…

Apologies if mixing two bags here.
The company I recently left was all about “GREEN GREEN GREEN”, it was all bullshit just to appease to the younger crowd and to a company over the pond they merged with.
stupid ass memo's they shared how to “Go Green”… meanwhile I left because they forced everyone back into the office this month. Half their employees work downtown the major metropolis i'm near, the other half works just outside.
I went out to a store this week around 4p, somewhere i needed to drive on the highway towards the city. HOLY SHIT the amount of vehicles that were out was ridiculous, BOTH WAYS. Even on the back streets everything was busy busy busy. I immediately thought to myself “yep this is why they want us back, drive more, waste gas, kill the environment”.
Towards the beginning of the merger in a few company wide meetings (pre-covid) a few brave souls asked if that we are going green will this allow more WFH, their response was they were “looking into” flex time to WFH a day more but not entirely, then spouted some bullshit about culture. Seems their “culture” is greed and misery.

so.. if your company spouts about going green, it's all BS if they force you into the office.. this also goes for policy makers/governments a like.

“change the law save the world”

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