
Corporate America

Something that never fails to wear me down the second I put too much thought into it is how ridiculous corporate America is. Almost every single job I’ve worked has the same structure I’m surprised I haven’t been driven insane for how repetitive it is. The bottom tier workers, who shoehorn the labor, who generate the revenue, are at the mercy of the higher ups, Who sit in offices all day looking at sheets of paper with numbers on it. Then they, who make well over 100k a year, get to debate and bicker on if we should be paid enough to afford basic living necessities. The cost of living has vastly outpaced the wages yet still, we wait. We wait for months and months for corporate to decide. While our bills pile up, our workload increases, and the value of our wage continues to shrink as the cost of…

Something that never fails to wear me down the second I put too much thought into it is how ridiculous corporate America is. Almost every single job I’ve worked has the same structure I’m surprised I haven’t been driven insane for how repetitive it is.

The bottom tier workers, who shoehorn the labor, who generate the revenue, are at the mercy of the higher ups, Who sit in offices all day looking at sheets of paper with numbers on it. Then they, who make well over 100k a year, get to debate and bicker on if we should be paid enough to afford basic living necessities.

The cost of living has vastly outpaced the wages yet still, we wait. We wait for months and months for corporate to decide. While our bills pile up, our workload increases, and the value of our wage continues to shrink as the cost of everything soars. Which ironically enough, is because of corporate America. Refusing to make anything less than record breaking profits every quarter.

The “grind ‘til you die” mentality I had before diminished; as I don’t think humans should have to spend every waking hour trying to find a way to make money.

Hard to deviate from that mindset when your city says it’s livable wage is $15 but the average rent cost is $1500.

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