
Screw companies who lie about the position being offered. /rant

I had an interview yesterday with a company who had a job posted on Indeed for a receptionist position. Well, get into the interview and not only is it a group interview, but it is a freaking sales position, not a receptionist position. Why TF do they feel it’s ok to waste peoples time like that? I have been applying to jobs for months with nothing and felt hopeful, but this just killed that motivation and hope.

I had an interview yesterday with a company who had a job posted on Indeed for a receptionist position. Well, get into the interview and not only is it a group interview, but it is a freaking sales position, not a receptionist position. Why TF do they feel it’s ok to waste peoples time like that?

I have been applying to jobs for months with nothing and felt hopeful, but this just killed that motivation and hope.

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