
“You gotta start somewhere and move on up.”

Im getting tired of my family treating me like I'm a teenager working my first job. I'm a 30 year old man living on my own for fuck sakes. I've been busting my ass at different jobs my entire teens and 20s. I'm so emotionally and physically drained telling them that no place will let me work on up no matter how hard I work and what little time I would have off I would be too tired to look for a better job especially since I'm on the autism spectrum and I get burned out and overstimulated. My rent is over $2K a month excluding utilities, car payments, etc and I have to sit there and listen to long lectures about how I'm just a lazy liberal not wanting to work 3-4 shitty dead end jobs. I know I might sound ungrateful saying this but last birthday they wanted…

Im getting tired of my family treating me like I'm a teenager working my first job. I'm a 30 year old man living on my own for fuck sakes. I've been busting my ass at different jobs my entire teens and 20s. I'm so emotionally and physically drained telling them that no place will let me work on up no matter how hard I work and what little time I would have off I would be too tired to look for a better job especially since I'm on the autism spectrum and I get burned out and overstimulated.

My rent is over $2K a month excluding utilities, car payments, etc and I have to sit there and listen to long lectures about how I'm just a lazy liberal not wanting to work 3-4 shitty dead end jobs.

I know I might sound ungrateful saying this but last birthday they wanted to pay my rent one time for me as a birthday gift so I can save some money. I was so happy that I can save 2k for the month. When they gave me the gift money it was only $350. I know that they didn't have to give me a single penny and I should be grateful for whatever amount they give me, however, to stand there and genuinely believe that $350 is going to put a dent in that 2.4 k a month rent shows how out of touch they are. It's definitely a boomer thing.

Edit: yes I did have that here the whole “back in my day, I can pay off a mortgage with a nickel” lecture.

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