
Co worker, who apparently thinks she’s everyone’s boss, is always trying to pry into my business, boss me around, and seems to think I can do the work of 5 people.

She asks me questions about things that aren’t any of her business. She asks about my relationship with my MIL (only because I complained ONCE, over a month ago, about something she said that I did not like.) I realized that was a mistake. I haven’t been able to live that down since. So I have been very cautious to not talk about any personal affairs at work. I usually never do, but this was a slip up. Now, since she can’t pry any info out of me when it comes to my personal life and relationships, she will find anything she can. Yesterday she saw my iPad sitting on my desk. The screen was off, I wasn’t using it. She asked ”Is that your’s?“ Me: “Yes.” Her: “Okay, well what do you use it for?” (And this was not in a friendly curious tone, it was like being interrogated.…

She asks me questions about things that aren’t any of her business. She asks about my relationship with my MIL (only because I complained ONCE, over a month ago, about something she said that I did not like.) I realized that was a mistake. I haven’t been able to live that down since. So I have been very cautious to not talk about any personal affairs at work. I usually never do, but this was a slip up. Now, since she can’t pry any info out of me when it comes to my personal life and relationships, she will find anything she can.

Yesterday she saw my iPad sitting on my desk. The screen was off, I wasn’t using it. She asked ”Is that your’s?“ Me: “Yes.” Her: “Okay, well what do you use it for?” (And this was not in a friendly curious tone, it was like being interrogated. Like I owed her an explanation as to why I had a personal device sitting on my desk.)

Even though it was none of her business, I just told her I use it for art/reading during my lunch. She looked at me like she didn’t believe me. She then said in a rather rude tone, “Well, the other girl that was here before you used to use it for her other job so…“ Okay? I am not the other girl. And I can‘t hardly do this job as efficiently as I’d like, let alone having another one…

I am their only CSR. Her and my other coworker are sales. Which means I answer the phones first. Which means 90% of the time I take care of what that client needs. I get backed up! It’s literally impossible not to. She is on my case ”everything needs to be completed by the end of the day so nothing carries over to tomorrow.” She makes announcements ”who has stuff still pending that needs done? Get it done!” Meanwhile it’s 4pm, we have one hour left, the phones are still ringing off the hook, and guess who gets most of those calls? Me. If me and the other girl are on the phone, and it rings, she will let it ring until it goes to voicemail instead of pick up. And guess who has to check the voicemail and take care of the person who left it? I’ll give you a hint. It’s me. She got on my case because an email she forwarded just this morning to me wasn’t done yet. Didn’t matter our phone has been ringing non stop, and I was the one picking up 90% of the calls, she’s barely picked up, and I am beating my brains out just trying to keep my head above the surface as it is. I had her email flagged to get done today. What difference does it make if it’s 10AM or 3PM? It was not an emergency whatsoever. The deadline in the email is June.

She gets frustrated with me if I don’t understand how to do something specific she gives me, and when I ask for help she just sighs and says “I’ll just do it…” like it’s a huge inconvenience for her to just teach me.

She tells me I need to get on my personal social media and ask my friends family to let us quote their insurance, ask people when I am out in public. etc. But I am not sales and she knows this. She has no business telling me what to use my personal media for. She has no business telling me to talk to strangers, or even friends and family, about insurance. If I want to do that on my own, I will. But do not tell me what to post, who to talk to, and what about.

Meanwhile, she goes outside and smokes a cigarette every hour, makes 30 minute personal calls on her phone, leaves an hour and half early every single Friday. Basically does whatever the hell fancies her.

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