
Laid off v quitting with back to office

Here’s a question. My work is finally “for real” making people go back in the office mid-April. I have moved away but they don’t know. It’s time for me to start planning my resignation (I’ve been ready to go for a loooong time but have been milking remote work as long as I could without going insane) but then I thought…can I put it on them instead – making them lay me off and then potentially getting severance? Which I wouldn’t get if I quit. So, instead of “I’m not moving back and I quit” making it instead “I’m not able to move back, please let me know how you would like to proceed” – thinking that they will say no sorry, so you gotta go. Also I realize the severance clauses/allotment would depend on contract specifics, but for this exercise, assume getting laid off = some kind of severance.…

Here’s a question. My work is finally “for real” making people go back in the office mid-April. I have moved away but they don’t know. It’s time for me to start planning my resignation (I’ve been ready to go for a loooong time but have been milking remote work as long as I could without going insane) but then I thought…can I put it on them instead – making them lay me off and then potentially getting severance? Which I wouldn’t get if I quit. So, instead of “I’m not moving back and I quit” making it instead “I’m not able to move back, please let me know how you would like to proceed” – thinking that they will say no sorry, so you gotta go.

Also I realize the severance clauses/allotment would depend on contract specifics, but for this exercise, assume getting laid off = some kind of severance. Just trying to see if the general logic makes any sense.

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