
Written up for using time off.

At my job at the beginning of the year we are given 5 sick days, 1 “wellness day” and we also have the ability to earn 80 hours of pto. I basically work in the middle of nowhere in illinois and live 40 min away in another city. 3 times this year we had massive snow storms to the point where they closed the highway that my place of work sits off of, and my place of work issued a statement that people who live out of town should use time off and not come in for safty reasons. That part is great! Here is where i get annoyed… at that time i had not built up much pto and what i had built up i had already used, so i used 3 of my 5 sick days due to weather (road closures, literally could not get to work). Then…

At my job at the beginning of the year we are given 5 sick days, 1 “wellness day” and we also have the ability to earn 80 hours of pto. I basically work in the middle of nowhere in illinois and live 40 min away in another city. 3 times this year we had massive snow storms to the point where they closed the highway that my place of work sits off of, and my place of work issued a statement that people who live out of town should use time off and not come in for safty reasons. That part is great! Here is where i get annoyed… at that time i had not built up much pto and what i had built up i had already used, so i used 3 of my 5 sick days due to weather (road closures, literally could not get to work). Then i actually got sick.. i missed a few days of work, using my remaining sick time. Here is something to keep in mind – we have to self evaluate if we are showing any symptoms of illness we are not alloud to come to work.. if you come to work and have a cold or caugh or runny nose you will be terminated for putting other employees at risk, so its easy to blow through those 5 days of sick time. Anyways.. Last monday i woke up and had some stomach issues, wont get into it but was on the toilet all day. Since i had burnt through my sick time and at this point i had built up a few days worth of pto i put in for pto sited the reason as being sick and didnt go to work. This time was approved by my supervisor. Today – Friday – all the way at the end of the week and at the end of the day i get called aside and written up because “the employee handbook says you have to give two weeks notice to use pto” I dont understand – when i was told to use my sick time during the snow storm and its my time that i earned why can i not use it? We also HAVE TO use all paid time off before taking unpaid time off, so why did i get written up for using my time?

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