
Showed up for a interview as a host at a restaurant, the fucking manager shows up after 30 minutes of me waiting at the bar. Doesn’t update me until I do to reject me. Why is the restaurant industry like this?

So this is my second failed experience trying to get a job at a restaurant in NYC. The restaurant is a vegan organic restaurant in NYC. I applied online, followed up in person to my interview on time and with a printed copy of my resume in hand, was super polite, but had to wait for over 30 MINUTES until the manager showed up. He asked me the usual questions and seemed impressed. I asked when I hear back, and they said ‘by the end of the week.’ I already had a terrible and lousy experience with some dickhead general manager at a rooftop bar from another restaurant in Brooklyn where the manager said he’d follow up for a decision and never dead, and this time decided that I would not wait and reached out the next day by email to the second restaurant and they said I wouldn’t get…

So this is my second failed experience trying to get a job at a restaurant in NYC. The restaurant is a vegan organic restaurant in NYC. I applied online, followed up in person to my interview on time and with a printed copy of my resume in hand, was super polite, but had to wait for over 30 MINUTES until the manager showed up. He asked me the usual questions and seemed impressed. I asked when I hear back, and they said ‘by the end of the week.’ I already had a terrible and lousy experience with some dickhead general manager at a rooftop bar from another restaurant in Brooklyn where the manager said he’d follow up for a decision and never dead, and this time decided that I would not wait and reached out the next day by email to the second restaurant and they said I wouldn’t get the job.

I posted this on /r/KitchenConfidential and the restaurant bootlickers said that ‘I have a shit attitude’ and that ‘they wouldn’t even hire me to clean toilets’ and that ‘I shouldn’t be a choosing beggar, boo hoo.’ What the fuck is so shit attitude about me being extremely frustrated for being so professional and diligent on my part for the manager to show up 30 minutes after my scheduled time? Can you imagine if I showed up 30 fucking minutes to a shift?

Also, apparently the reason I wasn’t hired is because I’m not a hot girl and that I’m a guy. So… blatant sexism and lack of respect of time.


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