
Just refused a job as a vet.

I'm a veterinarian, with 2 years of experience working in the same small animals clinic since I graduated (helping in surgeries, seeing patients with diseases, etc). I'm also studying post graduate in order to specialise and become a better vet, but due to the schedules, urgencies and some special circumstances, I didn't have time to study or spend time with my gf, and was becoming very stressed, even developing anxiety problems (which is normal in my field). I considered spending some months without working, as I had some savings, my gf is working and I hadn't had a proper break since I graduated, as I spent 6 years studying (and veterinary is a pretty hard career) and started working asap, but my gf was worried about not having enough money. I started to look for a job without urgencies and with more free time. I found one, made and interview…

I'm a veterinarian, with 2 years of experience working in the same small animals clinic since I graduated (helping in surgeries, seeing patients with diseases, etc). I'm also studying post graduate in order to specialise and become a better vet, but due to the schedules, urgencies and some special circumstances, I didn't have time to study or spend time with my gf, and was becoming very stressed, even developing anxiety problems (which is normal in my field). I considered spending some months without working, as I had some savings, my gf is working and I hadn't had a proper break since I graduated, as I spent 6 years studying (and veterinary is a pretty hard career) and started working asap, but my gf was worried about not having enough money.

I started to look for a job without urgencies and with more free time. I found one, made and interview and thought that my new boss was a cool guy and the conditions were awesome. Oooh boy was I wrong.

Since I started working, he expected me to just get the hang off his clinic without almost any help, getting mad at me when we got behind schedule and clients where waiting… I mean, I had to look for meds, instrumental,etc all the time as I didn't know their location, everything was new to me and I had zero help,that's not the way to introduce someone to a new job.

In surgeries, it was like an assembly line, they had way more animals in 1-2 hours than I had ever seen in an operating room in my life, and they were all done very fast (even big surgeries). I wouldn't like my pet to be treated like that, it's something that must be done carefully and at a slower pace.

Another problem were his manners when I helped him in the surgeries. He was scolding me all the time for not assisting him exactly as he wanted to. I have very low self esteem and the first days I was super nervous, apologizing all the time, but by the 4th day he was starting to be very rude to me and I gathered courage to say “I've been helping with surgeries in a different way for more than 2 years, I can't get accostumed to your way of doing things in just a couple of days, please be patient”. He started saying that it didn't matter, that I couldn't do things right, judging my capacity and insinuating that my previous boss was a bad surgeon (he's amazing btw) and the little experience I had was awful, and becoming more and more angry because we were wasting time.

Oh, he also told us, the workers, to increase the income by running more blood test and ecography/rx in general. That was the problem all along, his greed. Having 6 animals for surgery in a couple of hours or charging people with test that may not be necessary, just for the sake of earning more money, it's not the proper way of thinking for a vet. Your first and only thought must be helping people and their pets, and the money will come as you do your job. His beliefs clashed with mine.

I said “FCK this sht” and refused to keep working there. I'm spending some time taking care of my mental health and my relationship, and studying to be the best version of a vet I can. I'm really happy with my decision and regret nothing 😀

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