
I recently got laid off after 20 years of graphic design work for a small company. Need unemployment and they seem to have an issue that I want more pay now. So my unemployment is all jacked up now. Interesting.

Worked for a small mom and pop print shop for 20 years straight doing graphic design and pre-press. They retired a month ago and closed the shop and I basically got laid off. Ok. So I applied for unemployment which I've never had or applied for in my life. So I do it and then blah blah couple weeks ago by and no check. So I call and I didn't do something right so the guy helps me out over the phone with filing for the stuff I HAD been looking for on and other places and about a week goes by so I check my claims. They show submitted but not processed 2 days ago. WTF? So I submit a contact form deal last night and a lady emailed me this morning saying that because I said on the initial form that I didn't want to work for…

Worked for a small mom and pop print shop for 20 years straight doing graphic design and pre-press. They retired a month ago and closed the shop and I basically got laid off. Ok. So I applied for unemployment which I've never had or applied for in my life. So I do it and then blah blah couple weeks ago by and no check. So I call and I didn't do something right so the guy helps me out over the phone with filing for the stuff I HAD been looking for on and other places and about a week goes by so I check my claims. They show submitted but not processed 2 days ago. WTF? So I submit a contact form deal last night and a lady emailed me this morning saying that because I said on the initial form that I didn't want to work for the same amount of money that she had to send it to an adjucator or something and now I have wait longer to hear from them. God forbid I ask for more money after 20 years of work in the field. Am I wrong here? So no unemployment until I hear from them and then whatever. This is stupid. So many people get unemployment willy nilly but I have to jump through hoops?

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