
Just a quick vent about the American work life

My alarm goes off at 6:30am. My wife and I get up to get the kids ready and I leave the house at 7am to take our kids to the babysitter that makes way too much money from us. I drive 40 minutes through crazy heavy traffic with the rest of the miserable people on the road and I get to my job at 8. I do my bullshit 8 hours plus and hour for lunch. I get off at 5pm and drive back through more traffic. If I’m lucky I’ll get home at 5:30, but it’s usually close to 6. I get home mentally exhausted and I’m greeted by screaming happy kids. I wish I had energy to play with them. They want my attention because they are still happy curious kids who see life as this great thing. We eat dinner, hang out and the kids go to…

My alarm goes off at 6:30am. My wife and I get up to get the kids ready and I leave the house at 7am to take our kids to the babysitter that makes way too much money from us. I drive 40 minutes through crazy heavy traffic with the rest of the miserable people on the road and I get to my job at 8. I do my bullshit 8 hours plus and hour for lunch. I get off at 5pm and drive back through more traffic. If I’m lucky I’ll get home at 5:30, but it’s usually close to 6. I get home mentally exhausted and I’m greeted by screaming happy kids. I wish I had energy to play with them. They want my attention because they are still happy curious kids who see life as this great thing. We eat dinner, hang out and the kids go to bed at 9. My wife and I have 2 hours to ourselves to relax. 2 hours to try and do some hobbies we like or to exercise. 2 fucking hours to mentally recover and prepare for the next day! Then it’s bed time and start the same thing the next day.

How is this living? How can anybody find joy in life with this bullshit schedule? I don’t have time or energy to give my family the full attention they deserve. I feel like work is just consuming my entire waking life. 8 hours a day for work is fucking bullshit!! What’s the point of life if we’re just a slave to this system? Im so tired of living like this but what other options do we have???

Thank you for reading my venting session

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