Hey everyone, long time reader before this account, first time poster. Just wanted to get some frustration off my chest and this seemed like a good place because of work.
So, I'm not in America, so working conditions are usually better, so I can't complain too much in comparison. But the majority of the time I've spent in my 12 year career so far seems just be getting worse and more toxic constantly and I really don't know what to do. Even reading everyone's stories here makes me lose faith so much all the time.
So bit of history, worked since I was 14 as much as possible, was fired during the gfc, blacklisted from a company for leaving and called 'disloyal' when I worked for them for eight years, worked for another company for two years and wasn't a brown nose to the coordinator and was fired at the start of covid. Worked for about six other companies in the last two years and finally got a stable position with one company and did a really good job. Story continues below..
So, I was working for a company for the last year on a site and the contractor was changed, they offered me a job (better pay and contract conditions, great), but I had surgery scheduled with the other company they knew about a year in advance and were ready for my absence. I did the surgery and my recovery took longer than it should. I did my due diligence and contacted my new supervisors and let them know where I was at and issues with recovery but still signed off to return at a specific date and asked if I can atleast be used any other way until I can get back to it. Literal silence, for weeks. I receive a phone call finally, straight up sacked, couldn't plead my case, couldn't explain anything, they acted like I requested months extra off which I didn't, even when I told them, they didn't care. Just pulled the contract and bailed on me. It was hurtful.
So I've thrown myself into some training/study and they've opened up an office based role since (this is like a three week period), literally perfect for me in my condition. They didn't contact me at all. I see a LinkedIn post a few days ago by one of their recruiters and left a comment. Emailed me within five minutes, called my phone another fifteen minutes later, seems like they're desperate. I tell them I'm good to go at a certain date after my training and (only four days ago) since then, I've heard nothing. Which is usually a long time in this industry. Calling some people I know and it just seems like I've been blocked from anything.
I don't know what to do, it seems like I'm constantly running into issues like these with every job I try to get or company I work for and I just want to work and do my job without constantly being back stabbed or treated like discardable waste. I don't even have the luxury of choice of profession because this is all I've studied and this is all I know and every attempt I make at just trying to make something happen never ever goes in my favour.
Sorry to throw down a sad story but thank you for reading.