
First day at new job starts Monday. With <2 days to go, I’ve gotten no information about anything yet.

I am literally emailing the manager over and over again because everything is so disorganized and I have no idea wtf will be going on first day. Every time I send a message he says I’ll get back to you by X (tonight, tomorrow, etc), and then he never does, so I have to message him again! And whenever I remind him, he sounds pissed at me for reminding him! I can’t even get a straight answer whether I’m going to be given training or not. I don’t understand why this is such a difficult question to answer. Like how the fuck are you a manager when you can’t even answer such a simple question? If I was a customer I’d fucking report this guy for being a dumbass. From the look of it, they’re just dumping me in front of customers right from the start! Are they morons or…

I am literally emailing the manager over and over again because everything is so disorganized and I have no idea wtf will be going on first day. Every time I send a message he says I’ll get back to you by X (tonight, tomorrow, etc), and then he never does, so I have to message him again! And whenever I remind him, he sounds pissed at me for reminding him!

I can’t even get a straight answer whether I’m going to be given training or not. I don’t understand why this is such a difficult question to answer. Like how the fuck are you a manager when you can’t even answer such a simple question? If I was a customer I’d fucking report this guy for being a dumbass.

From the look of it, they’re just dumping me in front of customers right from the start! Are they morons or something? Why the fuck wouldn’t you train me first before I interact?

I also had to struggle just to confirm that my first day would actually be at the store location. When I ask (because I’ve been given literally no information about this, and it’s already fucking Saturday, with less than 2 days to go until I work), I get a smartass reply saying “yes, that is what you signed up for, X location”. Ok smartass! I’m asking because for EVERY single one of my jobs prior we did training BEFORE starting and they were all NOT on site, because why the fuck would you place someone new on site to START? Fucking asshole!

Unbelievable that such a big name company has absolutely no organization whatsoever for new hires. No wonder no one wants to work here.

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