
I got promoted to dress code narc…

I recently got promoted to an assistant manager position, and my boss pulled me into his office and said one thing he really wanted me to focus on was cleaning up and enforcing the dress code. Under the last guy it had gotten super lax and unenforced. There are a whole bunch of high school and college kids who work here, so of course it has (i'm college so I am not much better haha!). I was told if it was fixable… retucking in shirt/fixing tie/putting earpiece in, then remind them once then write them up if it happens a second time. If they come in without a tie or wearing jeans, just send them home. I feel like such a narc constantly nagging kids about their ties and earpieces, nobody likes wearing them, I don't agree with the dress code really but I feel like I am kind of…

I recently got promoted to an assistant manager position, and my boss pulled me into his office and said one thing he really wanted me to focus on was cleaning up and enforcing the dress code. Under the last guy it had gotten super lax and unenforced. There are a whole bunch of high school and college kids who work here, so of course it has (i'm college so I am not much better haha!). I was told if it was fixable… retucking in shirt/fixing tie/putting earpiece in, then remind them once then write them up if it happens a second time. If they come in without a tie or wearing jeans, just send them home.

I feel like such a narc constantly nagging kids about their ties and earpieces, nobody likes wearing them, I don't agree with the dress code really but I feel like I am kind of put in the that in between position of being that guy everyone hates who nags about minor things.

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