
Kroger’s Unions general thread

Kroger's Unions suck. We all agree. I try to be a Devil's Advocate sometimes and in conversations about how unions are good, I typically use Kroger as the example of a union that doesn't work out. And seeing as we're all pretty pro union, we should take the time to talk about unions that don't stick up for workers, why those unions are run the way they are, and maybe ways to change them. The way I understand it based on what I've heard from others (I may be wrong) is that no one in the union gets a raise unless everyone gets a raise, which results in workers staying at just above minimum wage for years on end. I know people who worked at Kroger that got their pay up to $17 an hour and they weren't in the union. They picked up shifts and negotiated their pay up.…

Kroger's Unions suck. We all agree.

I try to be a Devil's Advocate sometimes and in conversations about how unions are good, I typically use Kroger as the example of a union that doesn't work out. And seeing as we're all pretty pro union, we should take the time to talk about unions that don't stick up for workers, why those unions are run the way they are, and maybe ways to change them.

The way I understand it based on what I've heard from others (I may be wrong) is that no one in the union gets a raise unless everyone gets a raise, which results in workers staying at just above minimum wage for years on end.

I know people who worked at Kroger that got their pay up to $17 an hour and they weren't in the union. They picked up shifts and negotiated their pay up. Anti union people will use him as an example of individuals doing better for themselves than a union can for them.

I had a friend who was stuck at minimum wage for a year while paying union dues in Kroger. Why even be in a union? Especially one that can't get chairs for cashiers.

So I'm going to end my thread with questions.

Why is Kroger's union so bad?

Should leaders be replaced, or should workers organize for a new union from scratch?

If workers can vote to instate a union, can't they vote to restart the union from scratch?

How do we keep unions from being so mismanaged that workers are better off without?

Do you think your pay would be worse off if you joined a union?

Have you been screwed over by a union before?

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