
IT issues during work? No pay for that time!

It’s small and petty, but today I have to stay a bit longer at my remote work. The reason? My laptop decided to choke and crash. Repairing and restarting took half an hour. People at my job aren’t paid for any IT issues if they last longer than 15 minutes. After that, even if you’re sitting there fixing it, we don’t get paid, since we’re supposed to be working and online in certain software programs. And this is in a well-paid job that requires special knowledge. Shudder to think what kind of wage theft happens with workers who have less knowledge and “value” to big entities.

It’s small and petty, but today I have to stay a bit longer at my remote work. The reason? My laptop decided to choke and crash. Repairing and restarting took half an hour. People at my job aren’t paid for any IT issues if they last longer than 15 minutes. After that, even if you’re sitting there fixing it, we don’t get paid, since we’re supposed to be working and online in certain software programs.

And this is in a well-paid job that requires special knowledge. Shudder to think what kind of wage theft happens with workers who have less knowledge and “value” to big entities.

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