My area recently kicked in minimum wage to above what I'm already getting. The district manager came down recently and said that since everyone is equal now, we'll just go on basic raises from now on. Those were almost exclusively five to twenty five cents an hour. I was getting over a dollar above minimum wage before based on my job as it's a lot more labor intensive and now it doesn't matter. Before covid we had quarterly bonuses, a good discount on product and other things. They cut most of that out “temporarily” due to covid but refuse to return it years later.
I was doing multiple placements as I liked my job for the most part but we're severely understaffed, the pay is only the minimum and I just did my second seven days in a row in a month as the other two guys in my section quit.
Now, I'm done doing extra. I'm doing my base job. They pay me more I'll do more. I'm one of the only people who have been there more than five years and I get zero respect for it. I got kicked out the section that I'm the only one who has long term experience in because some newly hired shithead Boomer three years from retirement started whining about how I did things. He quit after five months along with the other newly hired Boomer because “it was hard and we have to work weekends” but would whine about the kids these days being lazy. They'd steal shit and just screw around all day and harass the female employees.
The district manager expects me to step up as I'm now “allowed” to take over my section again and do all the other stuff on top of my regular job. I just smile and nod but I'm not doing it anymore. Hell, the last couple store managers were fired for stealing. We've been without a steady store manager for almost as long as we've had any for my entire time I've worked there. It's a shitshow.