
I strive to be better.

I am in one of those management positions. I don't hire, I don't fire, I don't set the schedule, I don't approve days off, I don't set pay scales, I don't pick who is on my team. But I set the culture for those around me. I know every person in my group by name. I know their spouse's, kid's, parent's and pet's names. I ask about these important people. When someone is sick, I send them home. When there is work to do, I do my fair share of it. When someone is in distress, I can't always fix it, but I don't make it worse. Find the good managers. Stick with us. My team has the lowest turn over rate and the highest productivity. When I changed buildings, 9 out of my 21 came with me. Several who stayed behind where able to move up into the holes…

I am in one of those management positions. I don't hire, I don't fire, I don't set the schedule, I don't approve days off, I don't set pay scales, I don't pick who is on my team. But I set the culture for those around me.

I know every person in my group by name. I know their spouse's, kid's, parent's and pet's names. I ask about these important people.
When someone is sick, I send them home.
When there is work to do, I do my fair share of it.
When someone is in distress, I can't always fix it, but I don't make it worse.

Find the good managers. Stick with us.
My team has the lowest turn over rate and the highest productivity. When I changed buildings, 9 out of my 21 came with me. Several who stayed behind where able to move up into the holes we left behind. We don't work on the weekends. My work team is not my family. They are people trying to make a living just like I am trying.

When there is am emergency outside of our normal hours, I ask the team to help find the solution. Sometimes I work extra, sometimes someone else makes the choice to do that. Rarely, only very rarely in the last 10 years has the emergency not been handled. Handling an emergency is not screwing someone over to get them to fix it.

I am shocked by what I read on this sub. Seriously. Don't take that crap. Walk out and don't give your 2 weeks notice. Know your value and then work with people who know your value too. Work is only one piece of your life.

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