i guess they call it the rat race for a reason. i recently started working ft at my first corporate job and i just moved into my. own place by myself from living w parents for 26 years. i never have time and i feel like i’m losing it. i try to “make” time for things, but end up rushing anyway. for health reasons, my sleep schedule and dietary needs are non negotiable for me so that takes up a lot of time (going to bed early, waking early, cooking throughout the day). i’m wondering if other people feel the same way or if this is normal?? maybe i need to cut screen time out of my life permanently, idk. here is my schedule:
-wake up between 4:30-5am to cook breakfast
-heat up food for lunch and pack my bag
-try to get 10min of stretching or exercise in while watching yt or netflix
-get dressed
-rush to leave the house by 7:10 to get to work by 8am
-work 8-5
-rush home
-eat dinner and cook for the next day
-rush to try to fit an errand or 2 in to save time on the weekend
-rush to “relax” for a bit
-try to start my personal to do list (resume, paperwork, job searching, hobbies, figuring out my life)
-rush to shower and stretch to get to bed by 8:30pm which ends up being 9:30-10pm
i never get anything meaningful done, i don’t feel fulfilled, i don’t relax, i don’t fully exercise and move my body, every time i get into an activity (relaxing, skateboarding, socializing) i have to pause and go home to cook and eat so everything takes so much longer and the days go by so fast and everyday just feels the same.