
I really hate working

I don't understand how some people seem to like working. I would do almost anything to not work for the rest of my life. I managed to not work until 26 years old and I was very happy, peaceful person. When I started working I become depressed, tired and stressed like wtf this shit sucks and I have to do this for next 40 years or something ? Terrible idea. Also I am an introvert and I hate socializing with people non-stop I wasn't hired for many jobs because I am not bubbly, super communicative person. Being introvert is like being fucked in this corporate world. I think like over 80% of r/antiwork users are introverts? Extroverts are just treated differently from birth and are more happy overall because the whole world is build for them.

I don't understand how some people seem to like working. I would do almost anything to not work for the rest of my life. I managed to not work until 26 years old and I was very happy, peaceful person. When I started working I become depressed, tired and stressed like wtf this shit sucks and I have to do this for next 40 years or something ? Terrible idea. Also I am an introvert and I hate socializing with people non-stop I wasn't hired for many jobs because I am not bubbly, super communicative person. Being introvert is like being fucked in this corporate world. I think like over 80% of r/antiwork users are introverts? Extroverts are just treated differently from birth and are more happy overall because the whole world is build for them.

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