
a company I work for said they cannot accommodate me after they received documentation for my injuries

I have been working at a company for a few years. During that time.I would often be limping pretty hard throughout the day, and a great deal of pain. Sttill I'd come to work everyday, unless I had an appointment, and I'd work as hard has I could. I had told them that I have issues with my knees, and they asked for documentation for it. When I finally got it and gave it to them, they told me that they cannot accommodate me, and not to come back to work until I've been cleared by my Dr. They said they didn't want to see me hurt, which honestly pissed me off, because they've seen me hurt regularly, but now that they got documentation for my injuries, they said they cannot accommodate me, even though i'm pretty sure there are others there who can't do what I'm not medically allowed…

I have been working at a company for a few years. During that time.I would often be limping pretty hard throughout the day, and a great deal of pain. Sttill I'd come to work everyday, unless I had an appointment, and I'd work as hard has I could. I had told them that I have issues with my knees, and they asked for documentation for it. When I finally got it and gave it to them, they told me that they cannot accommodate me, and not to come back to work until I've been cleared by my Dr. They said they didn't want to see me hurt, which honestly pissed me off, because they've seen me hurt regularly, but now that they got documentation for my injuries, they said they cannot accommodate me, even though i'm pretty sure there are others there who can't do what I'm not medically allowed to do either. They didn't even offer to transfer me to another area. I'm really upset and angry about this.

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