
everyone’s against classism until it’s the homeless.

Common liberal and chud responses: ThEY'rE aLl oN dRuGs WhY dOnT thEY jUsT geT a JoB tHeY'rE viOlEnT THeY DonT waNt HeLp Fuck that shit. The unhoused are HUMAN BEINGS who are victims of capitalism and deserve to live comfortably like the rest of us.

Common liberal and chud responses:

ThEY'rE aLl oN dRuGs

WhY dOnT thEY jUsT geT a JoB

tHeY'rE viOlEnT

THeY DonT waNt HeLp

Fuck that shit. The unhoused are HUMAN BEINGS who are victims of capitalism and deserve to live comfortably like the rest of us.

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